Colleen DeVry has been involved actively in Endurance since 2008. Trained in prior disciplines such as dressage and show hack, competing in regional and national shows with success , Colleen has a outstanding foundation of horsemanship and ride theory. Colleen uses her extensive knowledge of breeding and training with application to her true passion, endurance, to produce exceptional Endurance athletes at her facility, NightWind Arabians.
Colleen has competed in numerous endurance events collecting hundreds of miles with her performance bred Indigo Bey and up and coming athlete Infiniti Bey, both bred and trained by herself at NightWind Arabians. Endurance completion not only comes with a outstanding horse, but with the training of yourself as a rider. If anything completion is determined by equine and rider ability alike as well as proper ride management, nutrition and the conditioning of the rider and equine athlete. Endurance conditioning is more than a just training, but a fundamental understanding of pace, time and diabolic/systematic condition of the equine by the rider.
Thomas Carlyle wrote : "Endurance is patience concentrated"
Colleen displays this everyday with the training and understanding of each Endurance athlete she instructs.
Endurance requires a great foundation and the larger the foundation and time spent training, ensuring a great bond of trust and respect, the higher the success. No two people are alike nor are two horses, it may take a horse a week to learn a task or a month, conditioning and muscle memory work in a similar way. Some horses are able to self maintain a condition once initial muscle mass and memory has been created, while others require a consistent work-out schedule. With the approach that every horse in unique Colleen is able to develop a training and success plan contoured to each individual horse.
Colleen has reached exceptional goals in Endurance performance ,some of these accomplishments include........
-Top 5 in Endurance Canada ( Four years running 2010-current)
-2010 Region 6 50 mile Endurance Champion
-Over 2000 Competitive Endurance miles on NightWinds Indigo Bey
- Numerous Best Condition Awards
For Further Information in regards to Colleens training and Endurance competition profile, please inquire.
She is more than thrilled to share her accomplishments from in the ring and on the trail.